People of faith are more likely to help other people, and this benefits their health. For example, Christians helped establish the first hospitals, and professional medical care has long been a vital part of missions and ministry to the poor. In addition, people who tithe are on average ten percent happier than non-tithe payers. These benefits are not limited to the health, though. In fact, they can also benefit social cohesion. Let’s discuss a few ways how being religious can help our lives!


Attending a religious service is associated with a higher sense of well-being. Studies have shown that people who attend religious services are happier and healthier than those who do not. In addition, there are positive effects on physical and mental health, especially if the faith-based service involves meditation. Also, attending religious services improves social connections. However, it is important to note that joining a religious congregation is not the same as joining a social club or organization. Belonging to a religious community has distinct benefits and differences from other aspects of life. In particular, religion focuses on the domain of transcendence and the sacred.


Many studies have linked the benefits of religion and mental health. A study found that devout people had lower rates of depression and higher coping abilities. Another study found that patients who were being treated for mental health conditions responded better when they believed in God. It is not yet clear which effects religion has on the brain. However, the positive benefits of religion are significant.

Research has shown that people with higher religious beliefs live longer. They’re less likely to suffer from depression, abuse drug. Furthermore, they’re less likely to experience stress and abuse alcohol.

Social cohesion

In the U.S., being religious and “having faith” are closely linked. About three-thirds of U.S. adults said they have close friends in their congregation. Only 19 percent said they were not close to anyone in their congregation. Attending religious services can improve social connections and lead to longer life!

Stress reduction

Many people believe that having faith and being religious helps to live better. But there are several negative implications of religion on the human condition. Studies have shown that negative religious beliefs negatively affect brain function, stimulating areas involved in hate and stress. These beliefs also increase the body’s production of stress hormones.

Having faith in a higher power may have many health benefits. One study found that people who attend religious services weekly were less likely to experience depressive symptoms, have a lower risk of divorce, and are five times less likely to die of suicide. The study also included mainly white people, and the findings of similar studies are consistent. These findings support the theory that being religious helps people to live better by reducing stress and anxiety.

A friend channel about Religion 🙂

To finish this article and reflection about how being religious helps to live better, I want to mention the YouTube channel of a friend of mine with a very good heart. In her channel she shares quote, books and sermons around her religion – Christianity.

See you in the next blog post and have a wonderful day!

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